Opticians Preston | Independent Eye Clinic | Eye Care Expert
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Opticians Preston | Independent Eye Clinic – Eye Care Expert

About us 

Bubble Eyecare is an independent opticians’ in Preston. Our mobile eye clinic means if you struggle to leave your home unaccompanied, you can benefit from a home visit eye test, followed by the high-quality eyecare you deserve. Our optometrist will visit your home, ensuring you receive thorough eye care. Preston, Leyland or Garstang, there is always an optician near you.

We strive as an optician to provide everyone with the best eye care in Preston. With over ten years’ experience, we are well-equipped and ready to help. A visit from us can make an immense difference, not only to your vision but quality of life.


What will happen during my eye test?

As the leading independent opticians in Preston, we understand that every patient has different needs, and we will build our testing around you. We will set up our equipment where you are comfortable at home. Our Preston optometrist will measure your glasses to the exact distance you need, so you can enjoy the comfort of your home with the support you require.

Why choose a mobile optician?

Mobile opticians bring high-quality eye care to the comfort of your home. People with disabilities and mobility issues especially will benefit from this service, as there is no need to travel. If you are seeking a home-visiting optician near Preston, get in touch with us to find out how we can help you.

How important is an eye test?

We only get one pair of eyes, and unfortunately it can be easy to take them for granted. However, according to research, sight is the sense that people fear losing the most, and it is therefore essential to arrange an eye test in Preston. Our optometrist carries out various eye exams in Preston and the surrounding areas, so that conditions like Glaucoma, AMD, and cataracts can be detected early and prevented. Fill out our contact form or call us on 01254 937322.

How often should I have an eye test?

The local optician in Preston will be able to advise you on this. For most, the guidance is two years, but for some this could be yearly or more depending on your personal eye health. Please call and ask if you are due for an eye test from our mobile optician. Preston along with West Lancashire can benefit from the brilliant services offered by our Preston optometrist.

I’m diabetic and have my eye screening, do I still need an eye test?

Yes is the simple answer. Your local independent opticians in Preston can detect early signs of Diabetic Retinopathy with an examination of your eyes. The earlier these changes are detected, the earlier they can be treated to prevent any sight loss. An eye test at the opticians and the Diabetic retinopathy screening should both be done. You can book your eye exam in Preston, online or by calling our office on 01254 937322.

Do children need to have an eye test?

Eye testing at home and in-store is arguably even more important for children, as their eyesight is so crucial to their learning and development. If a child is having trouble with their vision, they will not be able to focus on their schoolwork, and their academic performance is bound to suffer as a result. If you think your child might be having trouble with this, it’s best to contact us and arrange a home eye test in Preston.

My child has special needs, can they have an eye test?

Of course. All children should have regular eye tests. A child with special needs or learning difficulties may have a higher need for visual correction and checkups due to the possible underdevelopment of their eyes. The earlier they are seen, the better the treatment options will be. If you are worried about your child’s vision or have noticed any worrying signs, contact us for a mobile eye test near Preston.

What type of glasses are best for me?

Following on from the eye test, if you would like some new glasses, the friendly optometrist will talk through the best options for yourself or your loved one. You may either need distance, reading, varifocals or even bifocals, depending on your lifestyle and mobility. Rest assured, you will receive the best advice from our optician in Preston.

How can you help if I have a visual impairment?

Through our mobile eye clinic in Preston, our optometrist will assess your eye health and ask about your hobbies and interests. From this, if required, we can recommend aids to assist your vision and keep you living independently.  Aids include but aren’t limited to:

  • Handheld light magnifiers
  • Big button telephones
  • Large print books and newspapers
  • Audiobooks
  • Talking watches

The mobile optician in Preston can refer you on to either Royal Preston Hospital or Galloways.

How do I register as sight impaired?

Following your free eye test in Preston, the optometrist will explain the sight-impaired requirements and whether you are eligible to be referred for an ophthalmologist to assess your sight. If the specialist does determine you to be partially or severely sight impaired, you will receive a CVI, a certificate of visual impairment.

Are there opticians near me?

There is always an optician near you. At Bubble Eyecare, we believe, regardless of your circumstances, you should always have access to local opticians. Preston, Garstang, Leyland or Chorley your local mobile optician is always near you. Please call our office or book your free eye test in Preston online for the best eye care at home. If you are eligible, we can provide you with a free eye check, and continually offer a high-class service afterwards.